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Contact Us

  • +233 (0) 59-582-6411
  • info@ewbknust.com
  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Ghana.
Does EWB-KNUST pay monthly dues?

Yes, we pay dues on a semester basis. That is 25 Ghc

How can I become a member?

Register on the site, make a 5 cedis MoMo contribution to access the application form on the site.

Can I join EWB-KNUST even if am not a student of KNUST?

For now, we don’t accept members from other institution but rather encourage them to be an affiliate to EWB-KNUST.

What are the qualifications for joining?

Anyone who has a passion for volunteer work.

How can I support EWB-KNUST?

Donations can be made in cash or kind at the College of Engineering KNUST or can be sent to MoMo number 0595826411

Can I help as a working adult?

Yes, you can. Expertise in your respective engineering field may be required to harness the skills of budding students in EWB-KNUST.